Antonio Ferrari, aka DJ Ralf, classe ’57 è un’ icona del night clubbing dal 1987.
Il suo percorso formativo si basa su due momenti decisivi. Proviene dallo spaccato della musica rock e nei primi anni 80 occupò la consolle di locali alternativi nella città di Perugia quali “Lacugnana”,Story Teller e“Norman e il Presidente”.
Una tipologia di Club innovativi all’interno dei quali Dj Ralf poté esprimere i propri gusti agendo in piena libertà nel mixare generi musicali diversi tra loro e uscendo dai rigidi stilemi dell’epoca.
Questo fu il primo step rilevante nella sua formazione artistico-musicale, vissuto nel capoluogo umbro che in quel momento storico era in pieno fermento rappresentando un punto di riferimento culturale e musicale nel panorama nazionale grazie anche all’intensa vita universitaria e notturna.
Nel 1987 Antonio Ferrari decise di intraprendere un viaggio nella “Grande Mela” metropoli di riferimento nel mondo per la moda, la musica e l’arte.
La New York di quel periodo investì il globo con una nuova tendenza: l’House Music. Questo è stato il secondo momento decisivo della vita musicale del funambolo Dj Ralf, che inebriato da questa tendenza musicale ne fece il suo vessillo adattandola al proprio stile. Fu in quel periodo che,con due soci,diede vita ad Ultra Violet,che fu uno dei primy parties italiani totalmente incentrati sulla house music
Molti i locali nei quali ha lavorato in Italia e nel mondo.
Per ricordarne alcuni: Cocoricò dove tuttora è resident, Adrenaline, Alterego, Area City, Divinae Follie, Echoes , Ethos Mama, Fluid, Goa, Guendalina, Hollywood (serata Pervert), Maffia, Matis, Mazoom, Metropolis, Magazzini Generali, The Bank, Muretto, Pervert, Pleigine, Red Zone, Tenax , Kama Kama, Villa delle Rose, Pacha, Amnesia, Privilege e Space di Ibiza, Cavo Paradiso di Mykonos, Crobar di Miami in occasione della Winter Music Conference, Ministry of Sound di Londra, Roxy di Amsterdam, Space di Ibiza, Vertigo di Londra, Drop Honk Kong, Drop Shangai, Bar Room di Miami, Club Liquid…e molti altri.
Ha scritto per moltissimi anni una rubrica tutta sua chiamata “Touch and Go” per la rivista Discoid dove nel recensire i dischi, esprimeva le sue opinioni e raccontava le sue avventure personali e non…
Per Ralf la musica eleva lo spirito e libera la tensione nervosa diventando una esigenza ineluttabile del nostro quotidiano.
Possiamo trovare articoli che parlano di lui su: Dj Mag; Rolling Stone, Il Mucchio Selvaggio, Playboy, Time Out,GQ,Vanity Fair,Vogue per citarne alcuni.
Nel 2006 da vita alla sua etichetta discografica LATERRA RECORDINGS.
La prima release I’VE DONE IT scritta, composta e prodotta dallo stesso Ralf insieme all’amico oltre che stimato dj e produttore Alex Neri.
Le altre release sono KRADDA di Ricky Montanari & Lele Pasini ; TUNGUSKA / TOYS di Federico Locchi & Frankie Watch ; LU RAGNO_IMPOVERITO di Dario Lotti & Guido Nemola “electropizzica” Remix ( opera di Cesare dell’ Anna ) con incluso il remix dei Pastaboys; ETRURIA di Luca Agnelli; DJ SOSSA PJ di Sossa e Marco Scocchi; COLOMBA / MARCA LA RUTA di Sossa, Scocchi e Adicto Sound ; LAZY & SLOW / FUTURA IS BACK di Carlo Carità.
Nell’estate del 2007 ha presentato, dal 10 luglio all’11 settembre, al Privilege di Ibiza il suo party , “Alma”, di cui ha curato personalmente l’ identita’ musicale e in cui si è esibito insieme a djs del calibro internazionale quali Steve Bug, Timo Maas, Mathew Johnson, Ellen Allien e molti altri.
Dopo un periodo di sosta Laterra Recordings continua la sua ascesa con altre interessanti release :
Obesaic di Sossa; Lelle e Mentiras di Federico Locchi e gli Uglh, un vero successo; Le Pale , In Barca di Alfredo Hp; Simpatheia Ep di Pizeta; Come on and get it di Memoryman aka Uovo e Sairlè e Dodudo di Luca Albano e Zimon.
Nel Giugno 2010 e 2011 durante uno dei festival di musica elettronica più importanti del mondo il Sonar di Barcellona organizza presso l’ Hotel Omm di Barcellona, insieme al altre labels italiane di rilevante importanza, lo showcase Who Is In Who Is Out.
Ralf nel frattempo oltre ad essere impegnato a 360° con le serate in giro per l’Italia e l’Europa decide di organizzare due domeniche al mese la sua festa,Bellaciao nella sua città Perugia…..……
Da ormai tre inverni un successo in fatto di musica e divertimento
Bellaciao è oramai diventato un appuntamento fisso, che attira gente non solo dall’Umbria ma dall’Italia intera. Bellaciao manda il lunedi Perugino in uno stato di oblio. La serata esce dai soliti schemi delle serate tradizionali: non esistono pr, non ci sono vocalist e i djs sono tutti rigorosamente italiani, emergenti e non, selezionati personalmente dallo stesso Ralf.

16.11.2012 – ACT #5
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Thomas Muller
I grew up in the 9th district of Paris in Pigalle. There I got in touch early with the dazzling nightlife scene around my neighborhood. But let us start in the beginning…
In the 1996s I listened to a lot of Hip Hop. Especially the New York stuff like Wu-Tang Clan, A Tribe Called Quest and stuff like that as well as OutKast. In 1997 when I was just fifteen the Prodigy album „Fat of the Land“ with their hit „Smack My Bitch Up“ was released. I listened to it three years later…like to almost everything. There are many albums I discovered which came out just a little bit too early for me.
„Consumed“ Plastikman changed my mind. Since then I listened to every single piece of electronic music. Pole 1,2,3, Alexander Kowalski, Squarepusher, Josh Wink, Jeff Mills, Laurent Garnier and many more. There is a big mess of artist names on my Myspace site that influenced me. Still, I have kept the “Sense of Silence Concept” from Plastikman for many years in my deck.
I think my deepest influences come from the period of 1999 to 2004. Like Mr. Oizo’s “Analog Worms Attack” in 1999.
In the summer of 2001 I experience my first club scene shock. I started using programs like Propellerhead and Ableton 2 and the Korg er1 drum machine. This was the second big change in my mind. In 2002 I decided to go to Ibiza with some friends and I discovered the happy punch techno of Carl Cox and the worldwide hugest smoke machine. During the same time I started to listen to Drum’n Bass music. Mainly to Roni Size. I like Dum’n Bass because it mixes my taste of HipHop together with Techno. I still listen to it from time to time.
Finally in 2003 I decided to seriously produce music. I started off with two close friends of mine: Okain and Paul Ritch. In 2005/2006 I became a sound engineer and on the 30th June of 2006 we were at the legendary “dimuschi” party in Paris. Live with my friends Okain and Paul Ritch.
In May 2007 I moved to Berlin. Ich bin ein Berliner. From there on it was only a short time till the 18th of February 2008 when I became an official BPitch Control artist with signing my exclusive contract and releasing my first EP „Ride On“. Now I am on the road!!!

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09.11.2012 – ACT #4
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Andrea Arcangeli
As innovative as the technologies he uses, in love wit h experiment ing and having never enough of it , Arcangeli is a dj, a producer, an artist. The dj booth is his hyper technological laboratory where he, as some sort of cyber-alchemist manipulates sounds, mixing originality, rhythm and improvisation and transferring to the dance floor the million possibilities that the latest arrangement softwares offer: new and stunning melodies that are enriched by vibrant and hypnotic effects. Inspired by the liberating seduction of the house from the 80’s, Arcangeli starts his career as a dj together with Sandro Russo founding M.A.S. Collective.

02.11.2012 – ACT #3
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DJ Rame
Experimenter and lover of afro-American tradition, dj Rame represents the perfect synthesis between technological approach and sentimental aspect, a dualism that permitted him to leave a deep impression in the magic world of international dance.
After starting off in the most famous Italian clubs, Rame also exploded abroad, starting to invade the dance floors in England, Germany, Switzerland, and Spain with his own mixes until the triumphal Asian tour with the partnership of the famous British magazine “Dj Magazine”.
Since the beginning of the 90’s, the partnership with Dino Angioletti and Uovo in the Pasta Boys crew, has become an absolute status of cult, thanks to important productions such as Soul Heaven, Tribute, The Inspiration, Let the Sunshine and Welcome To My House, and various remixes and important collaborations with superstars such as Osunlade, Wunmi and Masters At Work.
Included in the 100 best deejay’s in the world, Rame is actually protagonist in all the best clubs of the peninsula – Mazoom, Maffia, Fluid, Cocoricò, Muretto, Red Zone, Kama Kama, Echoes, Folies De Pigalle, and realises completely his universal sound in the monthly session at Kinki Club in Bologna.
Now considered the creative lab for the development of numerous international experiences. In his latest personal releases, we underline the new mix for Manocalda named The Glow, a further step towards the future of club culture.


26.10.2012 – ACT #2
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Carola Pisaturo
As a product of both Rome and Naples, Carola Pisaturo inherited the incredible liveliness that the two of these amazing cities are known for. Both spontaneous and sensual, her passion for music is true devotion — a uniquely Italian mix that lies halfway between spirituality and sensuality.
But there is not only music in Carola’s life. Like all those who have grown up surrounded by beauty, Carola also has a solemn passion for art and culture. Which has led to things like her collaboration with Nike (developing both music and visuals for their 2009 Spring-Summer collection) Smart, her participation in the prestigious Red Bull Academy, the collaboration with PS1 – MOMA of New York and her tutoring role towards young artists (whose works are used as covers for her label releases).
In addition, Carola founded and manages Claque Musique (together with its digital version Claque Extra), that publishes both young producers and big names (such as the chameleonic wunderkind Jay Haze), not to mention some of Carola’s own productions and the collaboration with Massimo Di Lena under the moniker of Vegas Gas. The distinctive sound of the label mirrors that of Carola’s own sets — a fluid mix of house, funk and techno with a genuinely Mediterranean vibe and attitude.